Ignite Champion to CCC.
CCC to Ignite Champion.
- Presence and be prepared in the agreed quarterly meeting agenda between Ignite Core (IC) and NTL and or representative
- To do any action points decided in the meeting of IC and CCC.
- Faithful in sending updates to Ignite Champions of CCC Ministry on a regular basis, at least quarterly.
- Value open and transparent communication to ensure good collaboration.
CCC to Ignite Champion.
- Ideas and leadership contributions of Ignite champions should be aligned with the policy and Strategic Plan of the National Ministry.
- Respect the agreed and clear roles of staff and Ignite champions
Ignite Champion to CCC
CCC to Ignite Champion
- NTLs to include in the job description of the National Partner Development Leader (NPDL) to actively involve in the development of Ignite movement.
- The National Ministry should be forthcoming with information towards the IGNITE (ministry plans, ministry results, budgets and financial reports).
CCC to Ignite Champion
- Ignite champions take initiative and invite CCC to execute the plan to achieve local sustainability.
- Ignite Champions to represent Cru in the marketplace/business community and mobilize others
- Ignite champion actively involve to develop a ministry of Leaders Strategy.